
Though this blog has not been updated in a few years, the posts with historic restoration project information is still regularly visited so I've continued to keep it available. I hope to post additional how-to and preservation projects in the future.

UPDATE: New chairs!… sort of…

By Laura | August 27, 2012

A few weeks ago I mentioned I was having some chairs upholstered with some really chic fabric. As it turns out, in my haste to find the absolute most wonderful print, I neglected to actually consider this fabric’s use. I chose a fabric that although very thick, isn’t woven particularly tight. This means it wrinkles,…

Vertigo and Ghost Chairs

By Laura | August 7, 2012

Though I don’t know that I’ve ever mentioned it before, I love a site called Coco Cozy. “Coco” has a fancy media day job in Hollywood and by night (or, whenever she has free time) blogs and designs textiles. I can’t say I’m not jealous. I can’t even pretend for a few minutes I’m not…

New (job and) terrarium

By Laura | July 26, 2012

I found myself an exciting new job at my university. I’m now working with my College of Architecture spinning many plates. Mostly PR, e-community management, event planning, web and print graphic design and probably a whole host of other things I’ll run into on the way. Anyhow, sometime toward the end of last year I picked up…

New chairs!… sort of…

By Laura | July 16, 2012

I finally found an upholsterer and he’s set to start recovering my wonderfully square armchairs soon! I inherited them when my mom’s office upgraded their furniture (uhm… in the 90s I believe) and since then they’ve lived through a stint locked in storage, a few years in our rent houses, a handful of roommates, a couple of…

Pet party!

By Laura | July 3, 2012

The down side to having adopted pets is that you never really know their whole history. Birthday, parents’ issues, actual breed or genealogy. Of course, the trade off is that you have fantastic pets that love you more than anything and you have the satisfaction knowing that you saved a life. The other good thing is…

Nifty Wallpapers from David Vineis

By Laura | June 21, 2012

C’mon, Friday! I have a work-free week waiting for me on the other side of you! Until then, I’ll just have to bide my time and enjoy the link provided by one of my favorite blogs How About Orange. These designer chair desktops are amazing, I may have to replace my “retro electronic cats European advertisement”…

I’m a fun designer to work with

By Laura | June 15, 2012

I’m designing a friend’s wedding invitations. When she’s not flooding me with links to ideas, here’s how our conversations go: I don’t treat all my clients this well, just the ones I’ve known for 8 years.

Photoshopping work peeps

By Laura | May 31, 2012

Over my 21-month employment here at the university, I’ve done some amazing things when it comes to design. I’ve created crisp new logos, I’ve designed pieces with only a whisper of direction from my superiors, I’ve been recognized by others on campus for my contributions to our college communications…. but somehow the one thing that…

Drive movie

I saw a popular movie this weekend *gasp*

By Laura | May 22, 2012

As I’ve said before, I don’t go see movies and since we’re huge nerds our PlayStation usually is either occupied playing games or showing documentaries. However, this weekend we watched Drive. I know it’s been out for a while but given that I’m behind the theatrical curve and it was just added to Netflix this week, I’m…

Lonnymag May 2012

New LONNY Magazine!

By Laura | May 14, 2012

One of my favorite design-related publications is Lonny Magazine. It’s an interior design magazine published only electronically and is 100% free. It’s a great source of inspiration, even if it is to just hurry up and finish my living room. For person who can’t seem to decide on one favorite genre of design (like me!) it…

Design-In-Progress: TBCH Golf Tournament 2012

By Laura | May 7, 2012

This year marks the 5th year the Thunderbird Clubhouse has held a golf tournament. Last year was the first year they had my help creating their flyer. This year they said, “Can you just change the date on last year’s? That way you don’t have to do any real work on it.” HA! As if…

THCB fishing tournament cartoon

Gone Fishin’ 2012 part 2

By Laura | April 27, 2012

In case you’re wondering… I did eventually finish that Thunderbird Clubhouse 2nd Annual Fishing Tournament cartoon. In fact, I’ve actually finished the whole flyer… and the registration… and the big posters…. and the tee shirt design (that’s right, this year we have SHIRTS!). Here’s the finished cartoon of Rowdy and his new lady friend Sheila.…